Welcome and Congratulations It’s not easy being the parent or guardian of a Beginning Driver, but if you have made it this far you are already ahead of the game. We have included a lot of information on this site - we hope you find it useful.  Please don’t feel you need to read it all at once.  Learning to drive takes a while, and some of the information here is useful now, some will be useful later on. You will notice that we talk about the Learner Driver, the Novice Driver and the Experienced Driver.  Here is what we mean by these terms: The Learner Driver - This applies to the driver with a Learner (Class 7) licence.  They have passed their Knowledge Test, and they are preparing for their Road Test.  They must be accompanied and supervised by an Experienced Driver and are not allowed to have any other passengers in the vehicle. The Novice Driver - Learning to drive is really a life-long task, but the steepest learning curve is in the first four or five years.  The Novice Driver has a Class 5N (Newly- licensed) or a Class 5R (Restricted under condition 47) licence.  They have passed their Road Test but they are still in the Graduated Driver Licensing system. The Experienced Driver - This applies to the driver who has a Class 5 or higher license and who has completed all the requirements to exit the Graduated Driver Licensing system.  Only an Experienced Driver can supervise a Learner Driver.